IoT Analytics and Security  Course  


Types of Smart Devices and Security Challenges


The IoT Analytics and Security course offers the following:

  • comprehension of sensors and their use in IoT devices,
  • overview and application of smart devices,
  • review on IoT security issues, threats and benefits, and
  • project development and hands-on activity.

The IoT Analytics and Security course covers the essentials of IoT device sensors, a perspective on the variety of IoT sensors used in the IoT development phase, as well as a sense on the practical use of these devices in real-world applications.

Additionally, students are presented with the issues regarding IoT security, confidentiality, and threats, including an analysis on the benefits, concerns and threats to data collection and IoT devices.

Furthermore, students will acquire a profound understanding on a variety of smart devices, how they are developed and used.

The IoT courses are specifically developed as an introductiory course for anyone interested in learning and understanding this technology, offering an academic pathway to software engineering, computer science, computer engineering, mechanical engineering, and other academic fields.

Note: The IoT Analytics and Security Course requires additional materials. This includes the textbook, which is used in all three IoT courses, and the IoT projects kit. Both of these are ordered separately and are not included as part of the course.

Start this course

Table of Contents

      IoT Sensors

      Temperature Sensors

      Proximity Sensors

      Gas Sensors

      Smoke Sensors

      Motion Sensors

      Gyroscope Sensors

      Humidity Sensors

      IoT Smart Devices

      Wearable Electronics

      Smart Home Concepts

      Smart City Concepts

      Agricultural Environmental Devices

      IoT Security Concerns

      IoT Privacy Concerns

      IoT Standardization

      IoT Rights and Legalities









Required Materials:


The Internet of Things (IoT): A Primer on Technology for Young Adults Developing the Future, $16.95 (required)
218 pages, ISBN-10: 1671731816, ISBN-13: 978-1671731813

The optional IoT projects kit for the IoT courses is:

SparkFun Tinker Kit (optional)

The IoT Analytics and Security Course is the perfect starter course for students to obtain a general perspective on the IoT world.